I am Manuel CH

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About me

Oh! Looks like you are in my humble Kingdom. This page is, probably, not the most beautiful way to share who I am to the world. But, if you are here, is because something call your attention from me. And because of that, I will introduce myself:

My name is Manuel Calva, also known as "Akotadi", my nickname in someplaces. As probably you can see, I am Mexican with 24 years old, do not ask how I have survived so much.
Currently, I am studying Computer Systems in Mexico with a GPA of 93/100 and I expect to be graduated at December 2021. Also, I attend to the ACM Student Chapter (also known as “Club de Algoritmia” in my school) because I am interested in competitive programming.

Competitive Programmer

Two and a half years ago I started practicing as a competitive programmer. I have reached the regional Mexican tournament in 2019. Right now I only practice for hobbie, but I take part of tournaments like Code Jam for fun because I can not attend more to ICPC.


Before I was more focused in Back-End Web Developer, some experience with my projects in Java and PHP. Right now I have been learning more Frontend, improving my understand of CSS/SASS and React because is what call my atention during the last year.

Data Science

As my description said, I am an enthusiast in Data Science. I am attending some optative subjects related to that in my school and watching some courses online, but I have a lot more to learn about it.

My Projects

This is a little review of my programming life in form of projects.


Scholar Project

Winter 2018

Auxiliary system for the creation and management of the learning units at my university.

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Price List

Personal Project

Spring 2020

Simple PWA Collaborative Real-time Price List for a little store.

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IPN Awards

School Project

Winter 2018

System developed to manage the organization, execution and generate statistics of an award event for the IPN.

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School Project

Summer 2018

A webpage for manage the elective hours (ex: cultural, sport, recreation) of the students.

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Swapi Example

Learning Project

Summer 2019

A webpage made as a test for a working interview, is worth mention that I am currently learning the technologies used.

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My Skills

I have developed some skills in this time:




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My Awards

During my life I have been improving myself little by little, this section is a sample of my development in this world.
Also, is a reminder of what I can do and a motivation to myself.